A Little Humor! :)

If you need a little laugh, you've found the right spot! 

Halloween Laughs
Why didn't the mummy have any friends?
(Because he was wrapped up in himself!)

What road has the most ghosts haunting it?
(A dead end!)
Why is there a gate around cemeteries?
(Because people are dying to get in!)
What do ghosts eat on Halloween?
Where do ghosts go when they're sick?
(To the witch doctor!)
What position does a ghost play in soccer?
What are a ghost's favorite pants?
(Boo jeans!)
What monster plays tricks on Halloween?
What room is useless for a ghost?
(A living room!)
What do sea monsters eat for lunch?
(Fish and ships!)
What did the skeleton order for dinner?
(Spare ribs!)
What do you call a skeleton who won't work?
(Lazy bones!)
What's a monster's favorite place to swim?
(Lake Eerie!)
How do you make a skeleton laugh?
(Tickle her funny bone!)
Where should a 500 pound monster go?
(On a diet!)
Why did the vampire get thrown out of the haunted house?
(Because he was a pain in the neck!)
What did Dracula say about his girlfriend?
(It was love at first bite!)
Why did the vampire flunk art class?
(Because he could only draw blood!)
What do you get when you cross a teacher and a vampire?
(A blood test!)
What's the problem with twin witches?
(You can't tell which witch is which!)
Why do witches fly on brooms?
(Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy!)
What do you call witches who live together?
What do you do with a green monster?
(Wait until she's ripe!)
What do witches ask for at hotels?
(Broom service!)
What do little monsters eat?
(Alpha-bat soup!)
What do ghosts use to clean their hair?
Why didn't the zombie go to school?
(He felt rotten!)
Why did the cyclops stop teaching?
(Because he only had one pupil!)
Why is a cemetery a great place to write a story?
(Because there are so many plots there!)

~Back to school jokes~

Q: What did you learn in school today?A: Not enough, I have to go back tomorrow!

Q: What object is king of the classroom?A: The ruler!

Q: What did the pencil sharpener say to the pencil? A: Stop going in circles and get to the point! 

Q: What happened when the wheel was invented?A: It caused a revolution!

Q: What do librarians take with them when they go fishing?A: Bookworms

Q: Why did the clock in the cafeteria run slow?A: It always went back four seconds


Ethan Hawley said...

Very funny!

Unknown said...

pure hilarity!

Allison Poorman Mallison said...

I'm glad you boys enjoyed the jokes:)

Lauren wiles said...

awsome jokes

Lauren wiles said...

awsome jokes

Delaney O'Connor said...

Here is another one:

Teacher: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
Donald: H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O.
Teacher: What are you talking about?
Donald: Yesterday you said it was H to O.

From Delaney


Allison Poorman Mallison said...

Hi Lauren! It makes me smile that you guys are checking out the blog. :) DELANEY - I LOVE the joke and appreciate you sharing!!!

Unknown said...

hilarious! Post new ones!!!

Anonymous said...

ANIYA,great jokes,LOL

Megan Harmon said...

great jokes!!

Allison Poorman Mallison said...

Glad you guys are enjoying the jokes :)

Nayelis said...

I miss you guys soooo much great jokes by the way.Hope to see you on the field trip
~ Nayelis Gonzalez

Jackson said...

These are so creative and funny :-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So cool!!!

Anonymous said...

Made me laugh alot today so creative.

Joshua M. said...

A Pirate went to a jewelry festival and set up a booth. Somebody walked by and said, "How much are those earrings that you're wearing?". He answered, "A buccaneer".