Monday, March 24, 2014

Brain Trivia Anyone?

1.  How much does the average adult human brain weigh?
      3 lbs.
2.  How much did Albert Einstein's brain weigh?
      2.71 lbs., significantly less than the average human brain, but he had many more glial cells than average
3.  At approximately what age does the brain stop growing?
      18 years of age
4.  The forebrain, which controls higher intellectual functions such as thinking, planning, and problem solving,         is the largest in what species?
5.  How many thoughts does the average person have per day?
6.  How much blood flows through the brain per minute?
      750-1000mL or 3 full soda cans
7.  How long can the brain survive without oxygenated blood?
      4-6 minutes before the cells begin to die. After 10 seconds you loose consciousness
8.  How much of your body heat is lost through your head?
9.  What is the longest living cell in your body?
      Your brain cells can live up to an entire lifetime
10.  How many brain cells (neurons) does the average human have?
        100 billion

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